Face Framing Highlights
Categories / our thoughts / by gavin
One of latest hair colour trends for the summer is a very simple but effective highlight placement, highlights that frame the face. Carefully placed colour to make your best facial features pop.
Discuss this with your colourist, explaining that you want to draw the emphasis around the face and the natural parting of your hair. This is achieved by placing only a few highlights, the attention is immediately drawn to the face, creating a lighter effect without making your all over hair colour too light. This can be achieved with fine ‘baby lights’ and very thin slices or even balayage around the face for longer hair. The options are truly endless and it's a great opportunity to be creative.

On longer brown coloured hair, soft golden highlights around the face is a great way to create a softer appearance with more movement around the face. A centre parted choppy bob can be more on trend with lighter creamy blonde highlights around the face. Face framing highlights are a great way to break up waist length tresses with honey hues of lightness around the face, the key here is to stay within the warmer, more caramel shades of light, avoid ashy tones right against the skin, as this will appear lifeless and dull which will just wash you out!
These warmer blonde tones create magic with striking blue eyes and cheekbones to die for, a perfect combination with the long bob or ‘lob’ as it’s known these days. With some face framing balayage is a great way to achieve the sun kissed messy look, for movement and volume on dull brown hair with a pale complexion. To spruce up longer brown waves for a youthful appearance, add some rusty balayage shades around the face.

With endless combinations and quantity, face framing highlights and balayage is definitely the way forward for an effective quick way to draw some positive emphasis to your face and making your hairstyle come into itself.