Step into the New Year with a commitment to self-care. The aftermath of Christmas and New Year's is often characterised by increased alcohol consumption, fatty foods, and an influx of toxins in your diet, which can take a toll on your overall well-being, including a noticeable change in your skin and scalp. Priced at £200, the Scalp Detox is a personalised appointment at the Gustav Fouche Salon in Westbourne Grove which is tailored specifically to cleanse and detoxify your scalp.

Acknowledging the crucial role a healthy scalp plays in achieving optimal hair growth and maintaining strong and vibrant locks, this revolutionary treatment is designed to address the effects of the holiday season and reset your scalp condition back to how it should be.

Gustav Fouche, a leader in the haircare industry, emphasises that the scalp is more than just a backdrop for your hair; it's an extension of your face. Neglecting your scalp can lead to common issues like oil build-up, irritation, dandruff, scalp acne, and compromised hair health.

The Scalp Detox is your solution to undo the damage caused by toxins in your diet, exposure to pollution, poor hair care regime and other lifestyle factors including stress and hormonal changes.

The 60-minute treatment starts with a detailed scalp examination using a high-powered microscope, enabling your stylist to identify specific concerns which are shown to you on a screen. The treatment progresses with a session under the state-of-the-art Micro Mist Machine, infusing essential moisture into the hair follicles through osmosis. Clients can then unwind with a soothing scalp massage, promoting blood circulation and detoxification. The cleanse concludes with a low-heat blowdry, leaving you with refreshed and revitalised hair, and a seriously healthy scalp.

Gustav Fouche urges a holistic approach to hair care, highlighting that while people invest generously in skincare, scalp care and natural haircare products often go overlooked. As the New Year kicks in, it's time to prioritise your scalp's health and embrace a comprehensive self-care routine.

Revitalize Your Scalp After the Festive Indulgence

A £200 Treatment to Cleanse and Detoxify Your Scalp