More and more people are looking to switch from chemically produced to natural and organic hair products as they try to do their part for the planet.

There is a wide variety of natural oils that we can use for healthy, beautiful hair and most of us will already have many of these products at home in the kitchen cupboards.

~ Sunflower Oil: contains vitamins A, B, C and E for shiny, smooth and stronger hair.

~ Argan Oil: repairs damaged frizzy hair, promotes hair growth and keeps the scalp moisturised.

~ Jojoba Oil: rich in antioxidants, a non greasy oil for prevention of hair loss

~ Coconut Oil: great hair moisturiser also acts like a natural sunscreen for the hair and hydrates dry scalp.

~ Avocado Oil, for smooth, soft, shiny hair. Repairs dry damaged hair, and promotes hair growth.

~ Olive Oil, a great natural conditioner for the hair, reduces hair loss and makes the hair more elastic and strong. 

~ Castor Oil, great for prevention of hair loss, makes the hair feel thicker. Looks after the colour of your hair and repairs split ends. 

So if you run out of  conditioner or treatment during this lockdown period, have a look through your kitchen cupboards. I am sure you will find one or more of these above mentioned oils, and try a more natural remedy.


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