1) Do what you love, the person you are to become is the person YOU decide to be.

2) In some situations, it takes a lot of strength to respond calmly. Quick judgement is an easy way out and the response of a lazy person.


  • 3) No one has the answers; listen to your heart. Spend some time meditating and read inspirational self help content to get inspired.


  • 4) Be a student or newby at something; whether its art, learning a new skill or playing and instrument, or even exploring a new direction of interest.


  • 5) See new opportunities as a time to grow, learn and develop. Continue to push yourself and embrace change.


  • 6) Enjoy the simple honest moments, a walk in the park in summer, smelling the fresh flowers, a home cooked meal with loved ones or your partner’s soft touch.


  • 7) We all have imperfections, these make us unique and individual. A beautiful character can only be developed through the experience of trial and suffering, these challenges strengthens the soul, so failure shouldn’t be feared but seen as an opportunity of growth.


  • 8) Every one of us have a story, be a good listener to other individuals’ opinions. This might change your perspective for the better, but still staying true to you.


  • 9) What is meant for you will never miss you - trust your path and the process, fate can often play a part.


  • 10) Take care of yourself, an empty well can’t supply a village of water.


  • In life there is no finish line or point of arrival, each one of us have a story and legacy to create, this journey starts at birth. EMBRACE YOUR LIFE !

By Gavin.